Krótka lista wpisów umieszczonych na blogu:
- K8s tips – create cluster with kubeadm
- K8s tips – kubectl exec curl
- K8s tips – create cluster with kubeadm
- K8s tips – deploying a pod to a node with a label
- K8s tips – installing and testing
- K8s tips – creating a service and discovering DNS names
- K8s tips – scheduling pods with taints and tolerations
- K8s tips – performing a rolling update of an application
- tee command in Linux
- K8s tips – creating Persistent Storage for Pods in Kubernetes
- DevOps – bottlenecks, theory of constraints, value stream mapping
- Fail2ban – scans log files and bans IPs
- Visual Studio Code – Developing inside a Container
- CI/CD – How to build your custom Jenkins Docker image
- K8s tips – creating a ClusterRole to access a PV in Kubernetes